The Museum
Musical Instruments
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News is a space in permanent renovation, with news and curiosities
Organ of the Anglican Parish of the city of Santos - SP, Brazil
13.fev 2022
"Apollo Organ", a pneumatic harmonium with pedals (reed organ), by Rushworth & Dreaper, commissioned and installed in the Anglican Parish of the city of Santos (SP-Brazil).
Rosimary Parra introduces us to Vihuela and the Baroque Guitar
23.set 2021
"Vihuela and Baroque Guitar" with teacher Rosimary Parra. MVIM activity in the 15th Spring of Museums 2021 - Educational Action | 4th day.
MVIM in the 15th Spring of Museums
17.set 2021
See the schedule and follow us on our social networks to know all the details.
Premiere of the MVIM Concerts
17.set 2021
Which will be among our events in the 15th Spring of Museums! Soon we will publish the complete program.
Brief history of the lute
08.jul 2021
The European lute was derived from the Arabic instrument known as “al Ud”, which literally means “the wood”.
MVIM expands its horizons
08.jul 2021
Partnership signed between the MVIM and the Museum Geelvinck, from the Netherlands.
The Evolution of the Symphony Orchestra
10.dez 2020
A brief history of the emergence and development of the symphony orchestra through the ages.
The God Pan and his flute
22.nov 2020
Discover the mythological aspect of the instrument's history.
Hybrid Instruments
17.jul 2020
Some instruments are so popular that they do not need an introduction. This is the case of the guitar, the piano and the harp. However it is not always easy to identify an instrument with the utmost certainty.
Have you seen these amusing musical instruments?
17.jul 2020
When we think of musical instruments, wood violins and cellos, metal flutes and trumpets immediately come to our minds. But there are musical instruments made of various materials with different shapes and colors.
What are idiophones, membranophones, cordophones, and aerophones?
06.mar 2016
Man produces music since prehistorical times, first using his own voice and then musical instruments. At that time, everything could be a source of sound: bones, pieces of wood, stones. These materials could be struck – and percussion instruments appeared!