Basset hornGriessling & Schlott | MIDC
Audio & Video Records
The instruments featured in these videos / audios are not museum items, but similar ones. The visual resources used in the materials are not for profit. The visual resource is used as a way to illustrate the use of a musical instrument with an educational purpose.

Instrument: Basset horn in F
Source: Demonstrative audio sample from the University of Edinburgh, available at MIMO’s website (2014).


Instruments: 3 (three) basset horns
Work: The Magic Flute. March of the Priests.
Composer: W. A. Mozart
Interpreters: Lotz Trio – Robert Šebesta (basset-horn I), Ronald Šebesta (basset-horn II), Andreas Fink (basset-horn III).
Source: Video originally published by the Lotz Trio Youtube Channel, titled “Lotz Trio Basset Horn trio W A Mozart Zauberfl te Marsch der Priester HD”.

Instruments: Basset horn soprano, basset horn mezzosoprano and basset horn baritone
Work: Due pupille amabili K 439
Composer: W. A. Mozart
Interpreters: Trio Theodor – Lycia Gialdi (basset horn), Massimiliano Limonetti (basset horn), Miriam Caldarini (basset horn) -, Barbara Favali (soprano), Anna Trotta (mezzosoprano), Marco Granata (baritono)
Source: Video originally published by the Heiliger Satyr Youtube Channel titled “Mozart Due pupille amabili K 439 Trio Theodor, Favali, Trotta, Granata KOMOS”.

Further Information